The previous post was about present tense verbs. This post is about past tense verbs. Conceptually there’s not much new here, since it’s basically the same system as Classical Arabic. There are just some changes in the voweling of verbs.

Tip: final short vowels are either removed or lengthened

So for example qāla becomes qālkataba becomes katab, and so on. But katabti becomes katabtī.

Form I verbs with vowel -a-:


انا كتبت ana katabᵊt


نحنا كتبنا niħnā katabnā


انت كتبت inte katabᵊt


انتو كتبتو intu katabtū


انتي كتبتي inti katabtī


هو كتب huwwe katab


هن كتبو hinne katabū


هي كتبت hiyye katbit



There may be some ambiguity between the 1st person singular (“I”) and the 2nd person singular masculine (“you”), but context or an explicit pronoun will usually make that clear. Also notice the epenthetic vowel in katabᵊt. I talked about epenthetic vowels in this post. Basically think of it as a removable vowel. So for example you remove it in katabt il-waraʔa “I wrote the paper” because the word is immediately followed by another vowel.

Form I verbs with vowel -i-:


انا شربت ana ʃribᵊt


نحنا شربنا niħnā ʃribnā


انت شربت inte ʃribᵊt


انتو شربتو intu ʃribtū


انتي شربتي inti ʃribtī


هو شرب huwwe ʃirib


هن شربو hinne ʃirbū


هي شربت hiyye ʃirbit